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Environment Variables

This helper function can help you organize environment variables in a pod with an object instead of an array.

import { EnvVar } from "kubernetes-models/v1/EnvVar";
import { IEnvVarSource } from "kubernetes-models/v1/EnvVarSource";

export function envVars(
envs: Record<string, string | IEnvVarSource>
): EnvVar[] {
return Object.entries(envs).map(([name, value]) => {
if (typeof value === "string") {
return new EnvVar({ name, value });

return new EnvVar({ name, valueFrom: value });

Let's say you have some environment variables like this.

import { Pod } from "kubernetes-models/v1/Pod";

new Pod({
spec: {
containers: [
name: "nginx",
image: "nginx",
env: [
{ name: "NGINX_HOST", value: "" },
{ name: "NGINX_PORT", value: "80" }

The env array can be replaced as an object with envVars function. It's much shorter and easier to maintain.

import { Pod } from "kubernetes-models/v1/Pod";

new Pod({
spec: {
containers: [
name: "nginx",
image: "nginx",
env: envVars({

Plus, you can override environment variables with the spread syntax.

NGINX_PORT: "8080"

Furthermore, you can define more helper functions to reduce more codes.

import { IEnvVarSource } from "kubernetes-models/v1/EnvVarSource";

export function envConfigMapRef(name: string, key: string): IEnvVarSource {
return {
configMapKeyRef: { name, key }

export function envSecretRef(name: string, key: string): IEnvVarSource {
return {
secretKeyRef: { name, key }

export function envFieldRef(path: string): IEnvVarSource {
return {
fieldRef: {
fieldPath: path
TIMEZONE: envConfigMapRef("my-app", "timezone"),
PASSWORD: envSecretRef("my-app", "password"),
POD_NAME: envFieldRef("")